Angular is a powerful front-end development platform that allows developers to create single-page applications. Angular architecture refers to the way in which Angular applications are structured. Angular apps are typically divided into modules, each of which represents a different feature or area of the application. Within each module, there are various components which handle the different parts of the module's functionality.
Angular architecture is designed to be modular and scalable, making it easy for developers to create large and complex applications. The use of modules also makes it easy to reuse code across different parts of the application. This helps to keep the codebase clean and maintainable.
Overall, Angular architecture is designed to give developers a flexible and powerful tool for building single-page applications. With its modular structure, scalability, and code reuse features, Angular is well-suited for developing complex applications.
Optimize your angular app architecture with some simple steps
1. Run outside angular
When it comes to Angular, there are times when you need to run a function outside of the Angular zone. This can be useful if you need to trigger a change detection manually or if you want to avoid having certain code execute within Angular. In these cases, you can use the NgZone service to run your code outside of Angular.
There are a few ways to use NgZone, but the most common is to inject it into a component or service and then call its run() method. The run() method takes a function as an argument and will execute that function outside of Angular. It's important to note that any code within the function that calls back into Angular will still execute within the Angular zone.
If you find yourself needing to run code outside of Angular frequently, you may want to create a custom service that wraps NgZone's run() method.
2. Detaching the change detector
In Angular, there is a change detection mechanism that keeps track of changes in the component tree. This ChangeDetectorRef can be used to detached the change detector from the tree.
This is useful if we want to make sure that a certain component or directive does not trigger change detection. For example, when we create a reusable component, we might want to detach its change detector so that it does not re-render when used in different contexts.
To detach the change detector, we use the ChangeDetectorRef's detach method. We can also use thedetach method to re-attach the change detector (which is useful if we want to make sure a certain part of the tree always gets checked for changes).
3. AOT compilations
Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation is a must for any production Angular application. It dramatically reduces the startup time by compiling all of the templates during the build phase. This means that users don't have to wait for the Angular compiler to load and compile templates on-the-fly, which can be slow and cause errors.
AOT is also more secure because it compiles HTML templates and components into JavaScript before rendering them. This prevents attackers from being able to insert malicious code into your app.
To use AOT, you need to set up your build process to use the Angular AOT compiler instead of the defaultJitCompiler . The Angular CLI can do this for you automatically.
If you're not using the Angular CLI, you can still use AOT by manually setting up your build process.
4. Use preloading strategy
Preloading is a feature in Angular that boosts the performance of Angular applications. It allows you to load content before the user even requests it. This makes for a smoother user experience and can even reduce the load time of your app by up to 50%.
To preload content in Angular, you need to use the PreloadAllModules class. This class tells Angular to load all modules upfront. You can then use the preloaded modules in your app via lazy loading.
Lazy loading is a technique that helps you load content only when it is needed. This further improves the performance of your app by reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded upfront.
Preloading and lazy loading are great ways to improve the performance of your Angular application. By using these techniques, you can make your app run smoother and even reduce its load time.
5. Use service worker
Angular is a popular framework for building front-end web applications. A service worker is a script that runs in the background, separate from the main browser thread, and can help boost the performance of an Angular app.
Service workers can cache static assets and API calls, which means that those resources will be available immediately when they are needed. This can make a big difference in the speed and responsiveness of an Angular app.
In addition, service workers can help to keep an Angular app running even if the network connection is unreliable. If there is no network connection, the service worker can serve up cached resources so that the app can continue to function.
Service workers are a powerful tool that can help to improve the performance of an Angular app. If you're looking to boost your app's speed and reliability, consider implementing a service worker.
6. Unsubscribe from Observables
When it comes to building Angular apps, one of the most important aspects to consider is the architecture. One way to boost the performance of your app is to unsubscribe from unnecessary observables.
There are a few different ways to unsubscribe from observables in Angular. The first way is to unsubscribe manually in your component class. The second way is to use the takeUntil operator. And the third way is to use async pipe.
Manually unsubscribing from observables in your component class is the safest and most reliable way to ensure that you don't have any memory leaks. However, it can be a bit tedious and error-prone if you're not careful.
The takeUntil operator takes an observable as an input and subscribes to it until another observable emits a value.
If you're looking to boost the performance of your Angular application, there are a few things you can do. First, take a look at the architecture of your app and make sure it's well-designed. Second, use caching and other techniques to improve the speed of your app. Finally, make sure you're using the latest version of Angular. By following these tips, you can optimize your Angular application and make it run faster and smoother.
Angular applications can be fast and responsive if you optimize the architecture. Here are a few tips to boost your angular app:
1. Use the latest versions of Angular and Angular CLI. This will ensure that you have access to the latest features and performance improvements.
2. Use Ahead-of-Time compilation to reduce the size of your application and improve startup time.
3. Use a tree-shaking tool like Webpack to remove unused code from your application bundles. This will further reduce the size of your application and improve performance.
4. Use lazy loading to load only the modules that are required for a particular view. This will improve initial load time and reduce memory usage.
5. Optimize your application for production using tools like ngOptimize or webpack-bundle- analyzer.