Angular is an open source typescript based framework where single page applications are build. Angular is totally free and developed by Google so we can trust on it blindly. It is component based framework where a scalable web applications can be build and there are millions of node packages we can use according to our requirement in angular.
Angular 12 is here in the market , the latest version of Angular right , please check here what new in angular 12.
Angular itself is not a programming language but typescript is a programming language that is used in angular to make things working ,Angular written in typescript so we can say it is a powerful language as it is a superset of JavaScript.
Angular Structure
How an angular application renders on web browser.
As angular is a framework where we write code in typescript. Angular is a component based framework where we create UI's using components. Angular application does not directly run on browser as it does not contain js files in it and Browser only understands JavaScript files to render information.
For that we use a command to create JavaScript bundle of our angular application and then it can be rendered. The process of changing our angular application from typescript modules to JavaScript bundle is called transpiling.
Things need to get started with Angular
- Download and Install node , click here to download node here
- Set environment variable of node in your system.
- Install npm (node package manager) by using this command npm install npm@latest -g
- Install Angular cli by using this command npm install -g @angular/cli , you can install specific angular cli version by using this command e.g. npm install -g @angular/cli@{version} like npm install -g @angular/cli@1.0.0 or simply install npm install @angular/cli@latest to install latest version and check all available version of angular by using this command npm view @angular/cli
- Ready to create your first angular app by using this command ng new angular-project
Some basics of Angular you need to have knowledge of to get started in angular
- ng commands
- modules
- components
- services
- directives
- pipes
- decorators
- life cycle hooks
- Guard
- interface
- Class
- Routing
- Dependency Injection