Why you should use rxjs throttle time and debounce time in angular


Rxjs throttletime debouncetime

RxJS is a very powerful tool that can help us manage asynchronous data in our applications.

In this article, we will be discussing how rxjs throttle time and debounce time work and how you can take advantage and integerate in our angular application and save our time.

RxJS is a great tool for managing asynchronous data. It has a wide range of operators that can be used to manipulate data in various ways.

One of the most useful operators is rxjs throttleTime. This operator allows us to specify a time interval during which Observable emissions are suppressed.

Another operator that can be used to manage asynchronous data is rxjs debounceTime. This operator emits an item from an Observable only after a given time period has elapsed without any other items being emitted by the Observable.

This can be used to ensure that duplicate items are not emitted., Lets discuss these now.

Learning objectives

  • What is rxjs and how it works
  • Rxjs throttle time with example
  • Rxjs debounce with exmaple
  • Summary
RxJS comes with a variety of operator functions that can be used to create observable sequences from existing ones, and manipulate those sequences in interesting ways.

In this article we'll take a look at a few of the most commonly used operators those are throttleTime and debounceTime

What is rxjs and how it works

RxJS is a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. RxJS provides an implementation of the Observable type, which is needed for working with asynchronous data streams.

The library also has operators that allow you to transform, filter, and aggregate those streams. Finally, RxJS provides utility functions for creating and working with observables.

RxJS has been around since 2012, but has seen a recent surge in popularity due to its use in Angular 2. The library is also used in React Native, Node.js, and other JavaScript frameworks.

Rxjs throttle time

RxJS throttleTime is a operator that emits a value from the source Observable, then ignores subsequent values for a duration determined by another Observable, then repeats this process.

It’s like saying, “I only want the first value emitted by this observable, and I don’t want any more values until X amount of time has passed.”

rxjs throttle time
Let's look at throttle time example:
  	// RxJS v6+
	import { interval } from 'rxjs';
	import { throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators';

	// emit value every 1 second
	const source = interval(1000);
  	emit the first value, then ignore for 5 seconds. repeat...
	const example = source.pipe(throttleTime(5000));
	// output: 0...6...12
	const subscribe = example.subscribe(val => console.log(val));

Here is throttle time working demo

rxjs throttle time example

Rxjs Denounce Time

RxJS debounceTime is a operator that emits a value from the source Observable, then ignores subsequent values from the source Observable for a duration specified by another Observable, then repeats this process.

The operator emits values from the source Observable on the output Observable only after a silence period, which is specified by the second argument, has passed without another value being emitted on the source Observable.

In other words, if successive values are emitted quickly enough on the source Observable, they may be coalesced into one emission on the output Observable.

rxjs debouncetime

Let's look at debouncetime example:

    // RxJS v6+
	import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
	import { debounceTime, map } from 'rxjs/operators';

	// elem ref
	const searchBox = document.getElementById('search');

	// streams
	const keyup$ = fromEvent(searchBox, 'keyup');

	// wait .5s between keyups to emit current value
	    map((i: any) => i.currentTarget.value),
Here is debounce time working demo

rxjs debounce time example


RxJS throttleTime and debounceTime can be very useful operators to control the amount of emitted values from an observable.

By using these operators, you can ensure that your application doesn't receive too many values at once, which can help avoid performance issues.

Working with RxJS throttle time and debounce time can be a great way to improve your code's performance.

By throttling or debouncing your code, you can ensure that your code only runs when it absolutely needs to, which can save you a lot of time and resources in the long run.

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